Hirst and Hirst

Top 10 WordPress Backup Plugins

May 9, 2024 | by hirstandhirst.co.uk

WordPress SEO plugins (2)

Creating regular backups is a crucial part of website management. It safeguards your website data against data loss or corruption. Fortunately, numerous WordPress plugins make this task easy and efficient. Below, we explore the top ten WordPress backup plugins, including their key features, pros, cons, and customer reviews. These tools ensure that your website’s data is safe, allowing you to restore your digital presence with ease in the event of a disaster.

1. UpdraftPlus

Website: UpdraftPlus

  • Pros: Widely known for its simplicity and efficiency, UpdraftPlus allows you to set up automatic backups and store them in multiple cloud storage options like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Amazon S3. It supports both scheduled and on-demand backups.
  • Cons: The free version has limitations, particularly in terms of more advanced features like more sophisticated scheduling and faster support, which are only available in the premium version.
  • Customer Reviews: Users appreciate its user-friendly interface and reliability. However, some have mentioned that restoring from backups can be tricky, especially for beginners.

2. BackupBuddy

Website: BackupBuddy

  • Pros: BackupBuddy is not just a backup plugin but also a site migration tool. It offers comprehensive backup scheduling and saves backups off-site automatically.
  • Cons: It’s a premium plugin, so there’s no free version available, which might deter those on a tight budget.
  • Customer Reviews: Positive reviews often cite its robust functionality and excellent customer support. Criticisms usually involve its pricing and occasional compatibility issues with other plugins.

3. Jetpack Backups

Website: Jetpack Backups

  • Pros: Jetpack Backups is extremely reliable and offers real-time, incremental backups. The restoration process is straightforward, often requiring a single click to revert to a previous state.
  • Cons: It’s part of the Jetpack suite, and while powerful, it can be overkill for users who want a simple backup solution. It also requires a subscription.
  • Customer Reviews: Generally, users are happy with its seamless integration and functionality. However, some feel it’s a bit pricey.

4. BlogVault

Website: BlogVault

  • Pros: Offers daily automatic backups and real-time backups for WooCommerce sites. It includes a built-in staging environment and easy migration features.
  • Cons: More expensive than some other options, which might not be ideal for personal or small websites.
  • Customer Reviews: Customers love its ease of use and reliable customer service. Negative reviews tend to focus on its higher price point.

5. BackWPup

Website: BackWPup

  • Pros: The free version offers comprehensive backup options and supports a wide range of cloud storage services. It’s very flexible and great for developers.
  • Cons: The user interface is not as polished as some other plugins, which might confuse less experienced users.
  • Customer Reviews: It’s praised for being powerful and flexible. Some novice users struggle with its complex settings.

6. Duplicator

Website: Duplicator

  • Pros: Known for its cloning and migration capabilities, Duplicator also excels at backups. It’s particularly useful for developers who regularly move sites from local to live servers.
  • Cons: Its primary focus is not on regular backups but on migration, which may not cater perfectly to those only looking for backup solutions.
  • Customer Reviews: Highly rated for migrations, but some users note that as a backup-only solution, it might be a bit too complex.

7. WP Time Capsule

Website: WP Time Capsule

  • Pros: This plugin is ideal for incremental backups, ensuring that only the changes since the last backup are saved, which minimizes server load.
  • Cons: It requires a subscription and the restoration process can be more complex compared to other plugins.
  • Customer Reviews: Users love the incremental backup feature for reducing their website’s overhead. Some, however, find the setup process challenging.

8. All-in-One WP Migration

Website: All-in-One WP Migration

  • Pros: Excellent for both backups and site migrations, with support for a wide array of hosting providers.
  • Cons: The file size limit on the free version can be restrictive, requiring upgrades to complete larger site backups or migrations.
  • Customer Reviews: Users are generally satisfied with its performance for moving sites but wish for higher limits in the free version.

9. VaultPress (part of Jetpack)

Website: Vault Press

  • Pros: Offers real-time backup and security scanning. It’s integrated with Jetpack and provides automated daily backups as well as a 30-day backup archive.
  • Cons: Since it’s part of the broader Jetpack package, the cost can be high if you don’t need the other features offered by Jetpack.
  • Customer Reviews: Reviews highlight its reliability and integration, though some discuss it being expensive if not utilizing the full range of Jetpack services.

10. WP Database Backup

Website: WP Database Backup

  • Pros: As the name suggests, this plugin focuses on database backups. It’s straightforward and effective, with the ability to schedule database backups and store them in various locations.
  • Cons: It backs up only the database, not the entire site, which means you’ll need another solution for full-site backups.
  • Customer Reviews: It’s well-liked for its simplicity and functionality, especially for users who only need database backups.


Choosing the right WordPress backup plugin depends on your specific needs, budget, and technical expertise. Each of the plugins listed offers unique features and capabilities, from basic backup functions to comprehensive solutions that include staging and migration. Always consider both the pros and cons, and review user feedback to ensure that you select the best backup solution for your website.


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